
Is my gtx570 performing below average?

System Specs:

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor 2.8 ghz


Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

EVGA GTX 570 Superclocked

I've been playing battlefield 3 and the performance seems less than what I expected. I run medium because my framerate is so inconsistent. On medium settings I get anywhere between 45 and 80 fps, and sometimes it will spike to 100. I've tried disabling AA and ambient occlusion, but it doesnt help much. If I move it up to high this also happens but dips lower to about 35 fps at times. I've tried many optimization guides out there with no success. Even on low settings my framerate dips below 50. To me this performance doesn't seem acceptable considering my current setup. Am I wrong? Should I expect better performance or is it just my hardware?|||The GTX 570 should be able to run it with max settings with satisfiable frame rates. Experiment with previous/latest driver versions and try reducing the resolution.

Worse case scenario: Your CPU is bottle necking the card-- try experimenting with overclocking (I remember reading the 1055t could overclock pretty far even with the stock cooler ... make sure to thoroughly research before fooling around if it's your first time). Since games don't use that many cores, they'd rely more on the speed/power of the individual few they use-- the 1055t lacks in this aspect as even most Phenom II x4's are clocked at higher speeds.|||everything you have is good except i don't like AMD. but BF3 is supposed to be "the new crisis of 2011" in terms of graphics for the PC.

